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9 February 2022


20 members made their way to Chichester for a pre-show lunch near Chichester Festival Theatre.

A short walk across the road after lunch took them to the Festival Theatre where they took their pre-booked seats and enjoyed a matinee performance of "The Play Wot I wrote".

Based on the famous Morecombe and Wise duo's material, the play 
was enjoyed by all.

16 February 2022

40 YEARS YOUNG AND STILL GOING STRONG For our celebratory lunch Chevron Catering provided us with a choice of a “traditional” two course lunch which was pre-booked in advance of the day. The dining area had “40” balloons and a birthday cake on display.

As members and guests arrived live  musical entertainment greeted them.  Table service for pre-lunch drinks was available. The lunch was to the usual high standard provided by the Chevron team and enjoyed by all.

After lunch, there was further musical entertainment prior to a fun pictorial quiz where parts of Ferring and Worthing had to be identified and then a verbal quiz surrounding significant events over the last 40 years.  

Quizzes over, place names were put in a hat and three lucky winners names were drawn but everyone enjoyed a piece of Birthday Cake prior to being "played out" reluctantly to return home, having had an enjoyable afternoon.

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Chichester Theatre 30th August 2022

Chichester Festival Theatre was the destination for a Ferring Probus outing. The show was: “Crazy for You”, an all singing, all dancing Musical written by brothers George and Ira Gershwin.


In the 1980’s, it was rare to see dance included in Musicals, but this was not the case with “Crazy for You”. Big musical numbers (originally choreographed by Susan Stroman) included individual and cast dance numbers, and much tap dancing!


The members who travelled to see the Musical at the CFT enjoyed the vitality of the singing and dancing. They also admired the way the set designer was able to utilize the stage to the full. Travelling to the Theatre by Mini Coach also meant the members could enjoy fellowship prior to the show.

Coffee Morning 6 December 2022

Club members and guests enjoyed a coffee morning with seasonal nibbles and a musical interlude provided by Offington Handbells.

The club’s Vice President, ably assisted by some of the members, produced lots of Festive food – mince pies, sausage rolls, cheese straws, etc. and mulled wine (alcoholic and non-alcoholic) to wash it down.  Tea and coffee was, of-course, available on arrival to warm everyone up on a cold, but beautiful, winter morning.


Offington Handbells entertained everyone with seasonal music, international as well as traditional.  It was a real treat and a very different musical interlude that was enjoyed by all and received enthusiastically.

Mulled wine was enjoyed with more of the excellent food after the music and a Raffle was drawn with various prizes for the lucky winners.


In lieu of any entry charge for the coffee morning, freewill donations in support of St Barnabas Hospice were invited and over £200 was raised for that worthy local Charity.


A lovely start to the Festive Season!

        15 June 2022

Members and guests celebrated Her Majesty’s Jubilee in truly traditional fashion at Worthing Indoor Bowls Club. Most attendees were dressed to include red, white or blue or a combination of all three colours.  Very colourful and patriotic! The dining room was decorated with bunting, giving it a festive air and a table of prizes was likewise decorated with bunting and flags.

On arrival, members and guests were invited to purchase a “year” ticket spanning the seven decades that were being celebrated. No explanations were given at the time, but the Ferring Probus Club members are very trusting (and obliging!).

The dining tables held two quiz papers; one of which was a real brain teaser. Not only were the names required of those whose photographs were illustrated, but also their relationship to the Queen. Lots of quiet muttering as heads were put together to agree answers before Grace and the Loyal Toast and then lunch was served. Traditional, of course – it was either succulent roast beef or delicious chicken and a good variety of fresh vegetables. As the main course dishes were cleared, answers were given and scores on the two quizzes (or should that be three?) were collected and two more quiz papers given out to each table. These were even harder, unless one knew the medals that accompany Honours! The Baked Alaska or Grand Royal Chocolate desserts were served and inspired answers to those quizzes.
Whilst coffee was being served, answers were given and scores collected. The little grey cells were put to the test again with some more relevant questions covering the last seventy years. Certainly memories were stirred and surprise that something occurred “as long ago as that”. Once again, scores were collected and the total for each table calculated. Members on the table with the highest score were each given a prize, again relevant to the Jubilee years. Fortunately, from the writer’s point of view, the lowest score table members were not banished to the kitchen to wash up.

At last, all was revealed! Several facts about occurrence over the last seventy years were given, and the year of those events revealed. The holders of the relevant “year ticket” were given a prize all of which were the product of a manufacturer holding, or had held, a Royal Warrant.

Once again, Worthing Indoor Bowls Club supplied a venue for a very enjoyable afternoon, its caterer, Chevron Catering, supplied and served a delicious meal, but the greatest thanks for planning, producing and generally master-minding the whole event belongs to the Club’s Dining Officer
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Shuffleboard and Afternoon Tea 23rd September 2022

Most members had not heard of Shuffleboard but were intrigued to find out more, especially as it was described as a “grown up” version of “Shovehalfpeny”


Eight teams of three players met mid-afternoon in St Andrews Church hall and were given the very simple basic facts about the game and an opportunity to “have a go” before starting the competition.  Lots of laughter was the order of the day; together with cries of “get it in that one!”


Halfway through the tournament (and that word is used loosely) players enjoyed a good old fashioned English tea – a good selection sandwiches, sausage rolls, scone and cakes, and lots of tea or coffee to wash it all down.


The completion continued after tea, the laughter and encouragement also continued until the seventh match had concluded, scores totalled (by the Shuffleboard host) and prizes awarded to the winning team.


All who took part agreed it was a very enjoyable afternoon, previous experience not required and even those with restricted mobility were able to enjoy the afternoon.  This is certainly something for next year’s social calendar.

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