. The club was incorporated at a meeting which took place on 04 February, 1982 in the home of Vernon Harwood-Tomkins, attended by 9 founding members, of whom Sydney Cook appeared to be the key organiser. It was agreed that 60% of Club Members would be residents of Ferring. Norman Lewis was the Club's first President and monthly lunches and coffee mornings were held in the Tudor Close in the early years. The Club was active socially from the start with some 74 people attending the first Christmas luncheon, held in 1984.
Ferring Probus Club was an all male club for some 39 years. In April 2021 the members voted overwhelmingly to invite ladies to join the club
PRESIDENT David Botting
SECRETARY Roger Lovell
TREASURER Geraldine Sperring
SPEAKERS' SEC'Y Gordon Uphill
MEMBER Christine Roberts
LUNCHES: The Club meets on the third Wednesday of each month for lunch.
VENUE: Worthing Indoor Bowls Club, Field Place, The Boulevard, Worthing BN13 1NP
TIME: 12.15. pm for 12.45.pm.
Lunch is usually followed by a short talk by a guest speaker.
These are held once each month, usually, before each luncheon.
COFFEE MORNINGS: These are held on the first Tuesday of each month.
VENUE: St Andrews Church Hall, Ferring.
TIME: 10.00.am-11.30
Spouses, partners, widow/ers of former members and friends are invited to these meetings, which are used to update members about various activities and outings which either have or are in the process of being arranged. Invariably, guest speakers give a short talk or demonstration regarding local or topical subjects.
Club constitution
TITLE: The Club shall be called FERRING PROBUS CLUB. (The Club).
OBJECTIVES: The Club shall be non-political, non-racial, and non-sectarian.
The Aim of the Club shall be
To provide regular gatherings to those in retirement or semi-retirement, who appreciate and value opportunities to meet others in similar circumstances and with a similar interest.
To hold meetings at regular intervals, normally monthly, with a break (sometimes) during the summer. Meetings will normally consist of a lunch followed by a guest speaker. Any Member intending to attend a regular meeting MUST notify the Dining Officer by noon not later than one week preceding the lunch. Lunches not ordered by this time will not be provided. Members who order lunch, and fail to attend will be required to pay the current dining fee.
To hold a series of social programs, which include meetings with other Probus clubs, coffee mornings, group trips, holidays, and involvement in community projects etc., and to encourage spouses, partners and widows / widowers of past members and guests to join members in these activities.
Membership is open to retired or semi-retired men and women who held a position of responsibility during their professional life irrespective of nationality, religious belief, or political view.
Membership will be considered on completion of the approved application form, submitted to a nominated Committee member for presentation and consideration by the Committee. If membership is agreed, payment of the entrance fee and membership fee shall become payable.
The Committee may only refuse an application for membership if, acting reasonably and properly, it is considered to be in the best interests of the Club. A reason for refusal does not have to be given.
Membership is not transferable to anyone else.
The Committee must keep a register of names and addresses of the members and comply with any statutory regulations regarding the safe keeping of this information.
Membership shall commence from the date of admission by the Committee, provided that the appropriate conditions have been met.
Subscription fees shall become due and payable on 1 March in each year and the Club shall not be required to issue a reminder or renewal invitations.
h) Entrance fees and subscription fees may be revised annually by agreement of the members at a general meeting.
i) A Member who leaves the district may retain their Membership, provided they comply in all other respects, with the Club Rules.
j) The total membership of the club shall be agreed by the committee. Once the agreed number has been reached subsequent applications shall be put on a waiting list.
Honorary Membership may be offered to Members who have completed 25 years continuous Membership of the Club, or who have rendered outstanding service, subject to recommendation by the Club Committee and ratified by the members.
Termination of Membership may occur if:
a) The member fails to pay the annual subscription as set out in 7 below.
b) In the majority opinion of the committee, after appropriate investigation, the member’s conduct is contrary to the reasonable expectations of other members.
There shall be a President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and not more than five members who shall manage the affairs of the Club. The Committee shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting. Committee Members shall be proposed and seconded by any member and, if elected, will serve until the end of the following AGM; where they may offer themselves for re- election if they so wish. 50% of the Members of the Committee shall form a Quorum. The Committee shall have the power to co-opt one or more sub-committees for specific roles. The immediate Past President shall be a member of the committee automatically and have full voting rights.
An Annual General Meeting shall normally be held in March of each year but not more than 15 months should elapse between Annual General Meetings. The time and place may be determined by the Committee, and at least three (3) weeks’ notice of such Meeting shall be given verbally, by mail or electronically to the Members. Whether by mail or electronically notice it shall be to the member’s last recorded address and shall be deemed to have been served two business days after its dispatch. The Notice of the Annual General Meeting must state the venue, date and time and include an agenda.
A Special General Meeting shall be called by the Secretary on the request of the President or the written request of not less than fifteen (15) Members. Members shall be given at least three (3) weeks' notice of such Meeting. The Notice of a Special General Meeting must state the purpose of the meeting, venue, date and time and an agenda.
Voting at all Meetings shall be by a show of hands, or by ballot if so determined. In the event of an equal division of votes, the Chairperson of the Meeting shall have a second or casting vote.
6 ENTRANCE FEE: All new Members shall pay an Entrance Fee on joining, which will include the cost of a Member's Probus Club Tie for male members, and a Name Badge for all members. The Entrance Fee shall be determined at an Annual General Meeting.
7 SUBSCRIPTION: An apportioned amount of the Annual Subscription will be payable on joining, and shall thereafter be paid by 1 April If a Subscription is unpaid after 30 June, the Member will be notified by the Treasurer, and if still unpaid at the end of a further month, Membership will be terminated, and the Member will be notified by the Secretary in writing. The Annual Subscription shall be determined at an Annual General Meeting.
a) Banking – The Committee shall have the power to open any bank accounts needed by the Club, with all accounts to be operated by a minimum of two committee members’ signatures on all written instructions to the banks. The Treasurer may have authority to make electronic payments without the need for a second authority provided such payments are to discharge regular, routine, and pre-approved expenses relating to the administration of the club.
b) Accounts - An Income and Expenditure Account for the Period to the end of January of each year shall be prepared and presented for approval by the members at the Annual General Meeting, after being Examined by an Independent person appointed at the previous Annual General Meeting or an Independent person co-opted by the committee if no such appointment was made at the AGM. No member who has taken an active part in the Administration of the Club during that financial year or who is related to a member who has done so, shall be eligible to act as the Accounts Examiner.
9 ALTERATIONS TO RULES: A proposal to change any Club Rule / Constitution must first be approved by the Committee, who must then give a minimum of three (3) weeks’ Notice of the change to the members, and submit that proposal at a Special Meeting or AGM. The Club may amend any provision contained in this Constitution provided that:
a) No amendment may be made that would have the effect of making the Club cease to be a Club in law.
b) No amendment may be made to alter the Objects if the change would not be within the reasonable contemplation of the members of the Club.
c) Any proposal to amend a provision of the Rules / Constitution is passed by a simple majority of the members present and voting at a General Meeting.
10 DATA PROTECTION ACT: Details of the Club Membership shall be kept on a Computer for Club Administration purposes. The nature of the Club's operation requires that these details are available to all Committee Members, but should any Member object to their details being so distributed, they must inform the Secretary in writing. Members consent to their photograph, name, their partner’s name (if applicable), contact details and previous occupation being included in the membership handbook, normally issued annually, to all active members.
a) Any decision to wind up the Club shall be put to the members for approval before such action is taken, unless such action is forced by law.
b) In the event of the Club winding up for any reason whatsoever, then the assets shall be sold and the proceeds and all cash in hand, and funds held in a Bank, Building Society, or elsewhere shall be paid to such Charity or Charities as the Committee for the time being shall decide.