March 2023
Readers will recall that in July 2021 the Club welcomed Lady members after nearly 40 years as a “male” only club. That decision revitalised the Club which now has an almost equal number of Lady and Gentlemen members. The Club created another chapter in its 40+ years history in March 2023 at its AGM. Part of the formalities of an AGM are the election of the Officers and Committee. Club history was made, as its first Lady President was elected unanimously by the attending membership. Past President, Richard Potton, was delighted to welcome Beryl Short to the President’s role, and hoped that her year of office would be enjoyable and happy, a wish re-echoed by all present.
Beryl started her year on a positive note by providing members with an excellent quiz and high tea evening at St Andrews Church Centre at the end of March.
After a general chat and welcome, the evening commenced with three table quizzes to get the little grey cells working. Cryptic clues to find the names of towns and villages in Sussex, another of a similar format for UK wide towns and cities and then some obscure initials or numbers to “translate” into a phrase.
Perhaps the brains needed feeding, as there were some questions that even the veteran quizzers could not answer and several blanks appeared where answers were awaited. But amid groans of “of course” answers were revealed, scores noted and then, to everyone’s delight, tea was ready.
This was a Ferring Probus Club style tea! Not a dainty finger sandwich or cupcake in sight! To start, there was a choice of three hot homemade soups; to follow - a choice from one of six freshly made (that morning) quiches, with tomatoes, cucumber and leaves. The tea’s final course was a choice of fresh fruit salad, pears in red wine or stewed apple, all of which were accompanied by cream or custard.
Perhaps everyone was too well fed as the final “fun quiz” also created a few groans when the answers were revealed with mutterings of “should have got that”.
Final scores were calculated and prizes allocated to the winning team and a thoroughly enjoyable evening concluded with many thanks to Beryl and her team.
December 2023
The club’s members and guests enjoyed two special events in December to celebrate the Festive Season.
Warm mince pies accompanied the beverages at the Club’s 5th December coffee morning and, after a general chat and socialising, David Croucher entertained with a “magic” show. No huge props, most of the audience a metre away and a performance that entertained and baffled the on-lookers! How does a strong piece of rope suddenly become three pieces of varying lengths, then three of equal length and then revert to one piece again? Just one of the many illusions performed at close quarters, (with audience participation). Following a very entertaining hour’s show, the morning concluded with a raffle before everyone braved the elements once again.
Lunch was held on 14th December at the usual venue of Worthing Indoor Bowls Club. The room was decorated tastefully, including art produced by the special guest. The tables included Christmas Crackers for everyone and special napkins to enhance the festive atmosphere. Following a pre-lunch drink, the President welcomed members and guests and left the Dining Officer to explain the seasonal quiz to be solved during and after the excellent lunch.
Following lunch, special guest Mike Payne, a renowned award-winning local cartoonist and artist demonstrated some of his amazing skills that he used to create illustrations commercially; greeting card designs and illustrative art, to name but a few of the applications of his talents. The most famous of Mike’s creations was “Tatty Teddy” that has been used extensively on cards, etc. Mike had also written some books for children. Examples of some of Mike’s work were displayed and were much admired by all present. What a change of career from a senior post with the Inland Revenue!
Whilst not physically at lunch, Santa had left a sack of “goodies” for those who had been good during the year (and purchased a winning raffle ticket!).
The answers to the table activity were given and scores added up so that the winning team could collect its prizes.
Following a vote of thanks to the Club’s Dining Officer for a splendid lunch and afternoon’s entertainment, Seasons Greetings were exchanged and homeward bound journeys made.
2 May 2023
5 Sept 2023
FERRING PROBUS CLUB, members, and friends, prepared to celebrate the Coronation of King Charles, at the Club’s May coffee morning.
Entering St. Andrew’s Church Centre, members and guests were greeted with music played by Mr. Bob Cunnington (accompanied, of-course, by “Snowy”). Old favourites from past eras were played, reminding everyone that we were now moving forward into a new era and with a new monarch.
The Club President, Beryl Short, welcomed everyone and encouraged them, whilst sharing fellowship, to enjoy the sausage rolls and scones provided. A Coronation Celebration Cake was also on display. Later in the morning this was cut by the President and shared amongst the members and guests, but not before singing a few patriotic songs like “Jerusalem” and “There’ll always be an England.” The sing-along ended with the National Anthem.
One member gave a short and interesting potted history of his life story. After many years serving as an officer with the Army in the Corps of Transport, he trained to become an Anglican Priest. (How is that for a career change?) He reminded everyone that the Motto at Sandhurst, where he trained as an Officer, was “Service before Self.” He had strived to live up to that Motto throughout his life.
30 June 2023
Food, Fellowship and Music was the order of the day when Ferring Probus Club enjoyed a Summer Buffet at the St. Andrew’s Church Hall . Arranged by the Club’s President, Beryl Short, members spent a pleasant evening, chatting and sharing each other’s company. A buffet supper of both ‘savoury’ and ‘sweet’ dishes was also enjoyed.
The evening concluded with music that was provided by Mr. Terry Carvey, a vocal soloist. He sang a selection of songs. Some bringing back memories of times past, and some reminding us of more current music trends. At one point a few members rose to show their dancing skills.
In an age of television and ‘piped’ entertainment, it was a pleasant and enjoyable change to sit and chat in an unhurried and relaxed way, whilst enjoying good food and listening to live vocal music with friends.
Members and guests enjoyed the monthly coffee morning at St Andrew’s Church Centre. The guest speaker was from Humanimal Trust. A Charity that few knew although it was formed almost 10 years ago.
After the usual general “catch-up” and club news, coffee, or tea (and a “naughty” biscuit) Nigel Palmer, the Communications and Development Manager for Humanimal Trust, commenced his presentation. (Nigel’s previous life and experiences would be worthy of a presentation of their own.)
Most members had watched “Super Vet” on television and been impressed by the work carried out by Professor Noel Fitzpatrick and his team, but were unaware that he was the founder of Humanimal Trust, and now had other eminent veterinary surgeons as fellow trustees. Nigel explained that the objects of the Charity were to drive collaboration between vets, doctors, and researchers so that all humans and animals benefit from equal and sustainable medical progress without the expense of an animal’s life. This is known as “One Medicine.”
The Charity believes that humans and animals can and should benefit equitably and at the same time from medical progress, without the need for experimental animal testing.
Nigel gave examples of the compatibility of some medicines used by doctors and veterinary practices, although regulations meant that approval had to be given by both professions with no interchange between the areas of approved use.
A fascinating subject and enjoyed by all.
22nd Sept 2023
Members enjoyed an afternoon playing the ancient game of Shuffleboard.
Like most popular activities, the game of shuffleboard came from humble beginnings. Before there were shuffleboard leagues and purpose made Shuffleboards, the game was developed as a simple bar sport that required only coins and a table top to get a competition going. It is a table game that brings people young and old together, whether it is played at home, or down at the local pub.
Shuffleboard has endured as a popular game for centuries. It is believed the game began around the 1500s being played in the taverns and parlors of Great Britain. The original name of the earliest form of shuffleboard was simply "shove a penny," as that action was the basic gist of the sport. Players would shoot pennies and other coins down the end of a bar and aim to get as close to the edge as possible without having their penny fall off. The game became so popular that it is said that King Henry VIII was forced to outlaw it, claiming the activity distracted soldiers who should be practicing their archery and sword-fighting skills!
The afternoon was presided over by Adrian Williams from English Shuffleboard Events. Ten teams of three competed against each other. Probus members did not need to be distracted from archery and sword fighting, but it did provide a pleasant afternoon of good- humoured challenge, and skill!
Midway through the Shuffleboard competition, members enjoyed an afternoon tea arranged by Lindsey Taylor. Sandwiches, Quiche, Cake and Scones filled with cream and jam together with a cup of tea or coffee provided a welcome break from the challenge of the competition.
An enjoyable and relaxing afternoon was enjoyed by all.